Thursday, August 27, 2009

We, The Irrational

Absurd creatures, the lot. Teenagers. Clearly, the minds are only partially fouled by life experience, and therefore must be soiled by the humiliating circus that passes for common existence.

If they are to be trusted.

In the name of traditional wisdom we shoehorn them into submission—wedged until they conform to the mandates of social conditioning.


In order to induce conformity, it must be forced upon them: the hot intolerance of spirit systems: pain, self-loathing, fear.

Pockets of logic remain—social cavities not yet plastered over.

How dare these parasitic worms question what is blindly accepted? Who are they to celebrate the primal ecstasy of their humanness, without the back hunching weight of inherited Sin? Preposterous!

There will be no insolent smirking when guilt is driven through their hands like rusty nails. No backtalk.

After they face 10,000 bitter mornings to endure labor they despise and debt impossible to digest, they will not dance about like drunken he-goats!

Productive citizenry…

No wonder they plug IPODs into their skulls, drown themselves in video games, cell-phones, internet. Never to surface and face the static droning idealisms they’re manufactured to oppose. Teenage rebellion.

In regards to youth, that fragile clay, which we hack to form with blunt, imprecise instruments: may we ever endure their rage as they flail against the impotent storm of our teachings.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Kiss Goodbye, the Sellout Story

Recent news outlets have reported that the rock band, Kiss, will sell their new CD exclusively through Wal-Mart/Sam’s Club stores (No, I don't need to provide a link—it’s everywhere). The band has proven through the years to be marketing gurus, which is great; however, (this time) they have managed to find the line of over saturation and smash it into small bits.

It’s not as though Kiss didn’t abandon their purist fans long ago, but I’ll get back to that. Or maybe not, those who know, know. I don’t care, and it’s really not the point.

By the phrase, “over saturation” I’m not necessarily referring to the obvious: lunchboxes, dolls, figurines, commercials and new reality TV. It would be hypocritical of your humble narrator to condemn them for such capitalistic maneuvers—no matter how pathetic and down right cheesy these efforts splatter themselves upon the brain numb American public. No, the “over saturation” I’m specifying is partnering with an Anti-American/Anti-capitalistic entity such as Wal-Mart inc, so that they may systematically clobber us with their “Kissness.”


This is the form progressiveness manifest in our times—and don’t whine (or cheese) about Wal-Mart being a huge producer and employer. Wal-Mart produces SQUAT. They rape, plunder, and exploit the production powers of others and manipulate that ability into corporate/government (there’s no real dividing line) slavery of the working class and thrust a fundamentally flawed base of exchange upon an unwitting public. Yes, I said slavery.

Wal-Mart has spearheaded the effort to exploit corporate welfare, destroy true American production, and kill what was once called American culture. They physically represent every tree killing strip-mall, every clapboard subdivision, and every depleted small town business community in all of the US of A.

Congrats on selling out Kiss, you suck.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

You MUST be Joking

Question from mentally impaired so called Democrat:

So what's your plan that's better than his? All I hear is criticism and no ideas.


How about returning government to the shadow that our founding fathers envisioned and enable a pure capitalistic system to bail US out of decades of government failure/intervention which has seen our country degraded by decades of mediocrity. Sorry, that may just be the beer talking.