A Kiss Goodbye, the Sellout Story

Recent news outlets have reported that the rock band, Kiss, will sell their new CD exclusively through Wal-Mart/Sam’s Club stores (No, I don't need to provide a link—it’s everywhere). The band has proven through the years to be marketing gurus, which is great; however, (this time) they have managed to find the line of over saturation and smash it into small bits.
It’s not as though Kiss didn’t abandon their purist fans long ago, but I’ll get back to that. Or maybe not, those who know, know. I don’t care, and it’s really not the point.
By the phrase, “over saturation” I’m not necessarily referring to the obvious: lunchboxes, dolls, figurines, commercials and new reality TV. It would be hypocritical of your humble narrator to condemn them for such capitalistic maneuvers—no matter how pathetic and down right cheesy these efforts splatter themselves upon the brain numb American public. No, the “over saturation” I’m specifying is partnering with an Anti-American/Anti-capitalistic entity such as Wal-Mart inc, so that they may systematically clobber us with their “Kissness.”
This is the form progressiveness manifest in our times—and don’t whine (or cheese) about Wal-Mart being a huge producer and employer. Wal-Mart produces SQUAT. They rape, plunder, and exploit the production powers of others and manipulate that ability into corporate/government (there’s no real dividing line) slavery of the working class and thrust a fundamentally flawed base of exchange upon an unwitting public. Yes, I said slavery.
Wal-Mart has spearheaded the effort to exploit corporate welfare, destroy true American production, and kill what was once called American culture. They physically represent every tree killing strip-mall, every clapboard subdivision, and every depleted small town business community in all of the US of A.
Congrats on selling out Kiss, you suck.
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